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How to Overcome Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder
Binge eating disorder is considered a serious health condition. There are many causes and must be managed and controlled. This disorder involves repeated episodes of eating large amounts of food to the point of discomfort. Bulimia, a specific type of eating disorder, involves appetite-suppressing behaviors like vomiting and excessive exercise, which are aimed at starving the body.
These disorders are related to the psychological and emotional state and require for the person to reach out for help. This article will provide insights into Binge Eating Disorder and its causes, empowering you to take control and know that it can be treated. 
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What Are the Causes of Binge Eating Disorder and How Is It diagnosed?

Binge eating was recognized as an official diagnosis in the (DSM-5), which was published by psychiatrists and specialists at the American Psychiatric Association in 2013. According to research, the general diagnosis that shows signs of binge eating are:
  • Recurrent binge eating episodes: consuming an excessive amount of food in a short period, usually accompanied by a sense of loss of control.
  • Emotional distress: feeling guilty, embarrassed, or distressed about binge eating behavior, which begins with emotional eating when feeling dissatisfied with life circumstances.
  • Lack of regular behaviors: this psychological condition can lead the person to start getting rid of any food in the stomach whenever they overeat. The person in this case needs a doctor and a nutritionist to help them plan a balanced healthy diet.

Binge Eating Disorder and Its Factors

binge eating
Overeating is influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors, and has various causes. Rather than blaming someone who struggles with binge eating, it's important to offer support and encouragement to help them overcome their challenges. The first step in providing assistance is to knowing how to stop binging causes, which include:

Biological Factors 

Research on eating disorders indicates that genetic factors may be involved, especially if there is a family history of these disorders or other mental health conditions. Additionally, brain chemistry can play a role, as imbalances in neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, both of which regulate mood, may contribute to the development of these disorders.

Physical Reasons: 

Certain physical conditions can contribute to overeating. For example, thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism can affect appetite and metabolism. Diabetes can cause high blood sugar levels, leading to excessive hunger. Cushing’s syndrome, which causes excess cortisol production, can also lead to increased appetite. Additionally, digestive disorders such as gastritis or enteritis can affect the body’s ability to properly digest food.

Psychological Reasons: 

One of the most common problems that have passed through the ages and have increased in our time are issues of body image and the feeling of absolute perfection. Low self-esteem causes psychological disorders related to diet, especially in adolescents, with a lack of awareness about controlling and being able to deal with these negative feelings. Here, food comes into play as a coping mechanism for feelings of stress, anxiety and depression in all age groups, with entry into a vicious cycle of emotional eating

Social Factors:

Cultural influences and societal pressures often promote an ideal body image, which can contribute to eating disorders. The pressure to follow strict weight loss regimens, often involving severe food deprivation, can lead to binge eating due to psychological stress. Additionally, experiences of shock or bullying can further increase the risk of developing unhealthy eating behaviors.

Binge Eating Risks

If you’re asking about how to avoid binge eating and what are the risks here’s what you must know; eating disorders can have serious effects on both physical and mental health. Physically, the risk of weight gain can lead to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Mentally, eating disorders can worsen depression, lower self-esteem, and increase stress and anxiety, potentially resulting in social isolation and feelings of guilt after overeating. 

Binge Eating Recovery

How do I stop binge eating and is there anything I can do at home? 
Every condition has a solution, and if you're dealing with an eating disorder, you're not alone. Many people have faced similar challenges and emerged stronger. We encourage you to learn more about your condition and its solutions. Here are some effective treatments for eating disorders:

Specialized solutions

  • Binge eating disorder therapy (psychology): cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is short for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, works in an effective way, especially for those with eating disorders. This therapy helps individuals identify and change unhealthy thinking patterns and behaviors related to eating.
  • Medications: in some cases, medications that target specific chemicals in the brain may be prescribed to help manage symptoms and improve ways of thinking, but these medications must be obtained with a prescription from a specialized psychiatrist.
  • Nutritional counseling: working with a nutritionist can help individuals develop healthy eating habits and improve their relationship with food.

How to Stop Binge Eating By Yourself 

The impact of previous traumas can vary from person to person. Some individuals may manage the issue with confidence and persistence, and some need a little more faith to believe that they can do it and understand they are not alone in this dilemma. Here are some tips to help you address overeating by yourself: 
  • Practice your favorite sport or exercises: we do not mean practicing for the purpose of losing weight, workouts in general provide positive feelings and a sense of accomplishment, in addition to the feeling of pleasure when practicing great exercises such as swimming or Yoga, and perhaps continuing with a personal trainer for cardio and Pilates exercises and seeing progress over the days.
  • Keeping a diary: studies indicate that individuals who write down their feelings and diaries are more understanding of the psychological and social challenges they face, and writing also helps to release negative feelings.
  • Do not try to deprive yourself of eating: deprivation can backfire, leading to increased overeating and frustration. Instead, try gradually incorporating more home-cooked meals into your diet. This can reduce cravings for fast food and unhealthy snacks, helping your body adjust to healthier options and reducing the desire for harmful foods.
  • Eat filling meals: you should be aware of what you eat during the day. If you satisfy your hunger by eating snacks and sugars, they will increase your feeling of hunger and you will never feel full. Try to ensure that you eat complete daily meals that contain complete nutrients of proteins and fibers.

Healthy Meal Delivery

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After answering the question of how to overcome binge eating step by step, we offer you at Calo a monthly subscription plan to deliver healthy, filling and complete meals to your home or work. Try one of our distinctive and renewed meals before choosing a subscription by downloading the application, and we will carry on our mission to lead you to better lifestyle choices. 


Am I hungry or just thinking about food?

Overthinking about food often occurs when we're trying to escape from current pressures and problems. While food may provide temporary relief from depression, it usually leads to guilt afterward. To address this, focus on eating healthy, natural foods and snacks, and try to understand the real reasons behind your desire to eat.

How do I know if I'm binge eating?

To determine if you might be facing binge eating, monitor how much you eat each day. If you find yourself eating large amounts of food within a short period, like 2-3 hours, and still feel unsatisfied, it's important to pay attention to your feelings and explore why you’re eating this way.
Knowing how to recover from a binge eating disorder is the key to starting your new health journey. If you are experiencing overeating, it is important to consult a doctor to determine if there is a medical cause. If you want to read more about health, you can browse Calo Blog.

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