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The Best Calcium Foods Sources

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Finding natural sources of calcium in our diet is simple. Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, the nervous system, and joints. Finding calcium foods is often better than relying on supplements, as our bodies absorb it more effectively from natural sources. In this article, let’s discover calcium included foods you can easily find in your kitchen.
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Calcium Foods Sources

Whether you're planning meals for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you may already be getting enough calcium. Here’s a list of the best source of calcium to add to your main dishes or salads:

Fatty Fish

Fish like sardines and canned salmon are rich in calcium, as well as protein and omega-3, which are essential for the body.


calcium food
Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are some of the best calcium food sources that you have in your kitchen. Just one cup of milk or yogurt, or a slice of cheese, can meet your daily calcium needs. They're also rich in other nutrients, making them a valuable part of a healthy diet.

Leafy Vegetables

Parsley, lettuce, and green cabbage are excellent sources of calcium, especially for those who are lactose intolerant and avoid dairy products. While spinach also contains high amounts of calcium, it contains oxalates, which reduces calcium absorption, unlike parsley, which helps absorption.

Plant-based Milks 

You can drink plant-based milks such as almond and soy milk with oats or granola to get a high percentage of calcium. These types of milk are also very beneficial and a good alternative for those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and sesame seeds are great plant-based sources of calcium. Adding these to meals or snacks can increase your calcium intake in a natural and healthy way.

Calcium Benefits & Importance

calcium sources
99% of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth and is considered one of the essential elements in the body, so it’s important to prevent deficiency by consuming calcium foods as part of your diet. Here are the key benefits calcium provides:
  • Calcium for bone health and teeth: it helps maintain the strength of bones and teeth, especially during growth and aging.
  • Prevent muscle issues: calcium aids in proper heart contractions and helps protect muscles from weakness and damage.
  • Enhancing cellular function: it helps to release essential enzymes and hormones in the body.
  • Boosting nerve function: it is crucial for transmitting nerve impulses, enabling communication between the brain and body.
  • Speeding up wound healing: Calcium helps with blood clotting, ensuring wounds heal quickly and effectively.
  • Weight management: research indicates that calcium may aid in weight management by promoting fat breakdown and reducing fat absorption, particularly when consumed through dairy. This makes calcium helpful for maintaining a healthy weight.

Factors that Impact Calcium Absorption 

We’ve mentioned natural calcium sources and how to find them, but several factors can influence how effectively the body absorbs calcium:
  • Vitamin D deficiency: calcium and vitamin d work together in the body vitamin D deficiency affects calcium absorption in the intestines. Without enough vitamin D, calcium from food may not be absorbed effectively, leading to deficiency.
  • Magnesium imbalance: enough magnesium is crucial for calcium metabolism. A proper balance between calcium and magnesium ensures optimal absorption and use in the body.
  • Aging: as you age, the body becomes less efficient at absorbing calcium. This makes it important for older adults, especially postmenopausal women, to monitor their calcium intake.

Risks of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency symptoms can cause various health issues, as it is a vital component of the body's structure. Like other essential nutrients, a lack of calcium can increase the risk of several health problems, including:
  • Weakened bones and higher risk of osteoporosis
  • Frequent muscle cramps
  • Numbness and tingling sensations
  • Dry, brittle skin
  • Memory problems
  • Fragile, broken nails

Risks of Excess Calcium in the Body

While it’s important to consume enough calcium rich foods in your diet, excessive calcium intake can cause harm if not monitored through proper tests and consultation with a doctor. Potential risks include:
  • Kidney stones: excessive intake of calcium, especially from nutritional supplements, can lead to kidney stones, as excess calcium may be accumulated in the kidneys.
  • Cardiovascular problems: massive intake from supplements is associated with an increased risk of heart problems, although more research is needed to fully understand this association.

Healthy Meal Delivery

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To keep your vitamins and minerals at healthy levels, it's important to monitor your daily diet and aim for a balanced, nutritious eating plan. The Calo app provides a range of delicious, healthy meal options to help you stay on track with minimal effort. You can have your meals delivered wherever you are, and even add a healthy snack for extra enjoyment.


What is the best source of natural calcium in meals?

Dairy products are the best choice for calcium.

What are the best calcium rich fruits options?

There are many fruits that contain calcium, including plums, oranges, and kiwi.

Are eggs rich in Calcium?

Eggs contain about 28 milligrams of calcium, so they are a modest source of calcium, but not considered highly rich in it.
You’ve now learned how to find natural sources of calcium to reduce the need for pills and supplements. If you're interested in more topics like this, check out articles on B12 deficiency symptoms, healthy snacks ideas for TV time, and many more on the Calo blog.

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